Damage Taken Reduced (HP Threshold)

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Status Change
Icon Name Description
Damage Taken Reduced
(HP Threshold)
Lowers all damage dealt to the unit by the percentage specified in the perk

Note: damage reduction and damage reduction count as seperate mulitpliers

Units which have perks with this status change:

30% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

50% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

50% DMG Reduction

15% DMG Reduction

20% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction

30% DMG Reduction