Tension-Based Perks

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Feel the Burn

Name Description
Feel the Burn When attacked by enemy:
Often raises Tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Luminary's Heart

Name Description
Luminary's Heart When attacked by enemy:
Occasionally raises tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Heart of Justice

Name Description
Heart of Justice When attacked by enemy:
Occasionally raises Tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Stirred Up

Name Description
Stirred Up When attacked by enemy:
Rarely raises Tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Demonic Seriousness*

Name Description
Demonic Seriousness*
When attacked by enemy:
Heals 10% of user's max HP and raises Tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Rare Tension Up

Name Description
Rare Tension Up Action Start:
Rarely raises Tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Strangely Alluring Tail

Name Description
Strangely Alluring Tail Action start:
Very rarely raises the tension of all allies within radius-1 area for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Instant Tension Up

Name Description
Instant Tension Up Battle start:
Raises Tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Prince of Gotha

Name Description
Prince of Gotha When attacking:
For number of attacked enemies only, occasionally raises Tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Princess of Gotha

Name Description
Princess of Gotha When attacking:
For number of attacked enemies only, occasionally raises Tension for 1 turn

Units with this perk:

Raging Seas

Name Description
Raging Seas Triggers Raging Seas when HP drops to 50% or less, 1 time per battle
This perk can be triggered when the attack is from an ally
(Raging Seas: Greatly raises the user's Tension for 1 turn)

Units with this perk:

Fatal Super High Tension

Name Description
Fatal Super High Tension Turn 5 action start:
Raises Tension by 4 stages for 1 turn

Units with this perk: