Cover-Based Perks

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Instant Cover

Name Description
Instant Cover Battle start:
Enables Cover for 3 turns
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

The Guarded

Name Description
The Guarded Battle start:
Enables Cover for 3 turns
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

Don't keep me waiting*

Name Description
Don't keep me waiting*
Battle start:
Enables Cover for 3 turns
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

Twinkle Shield

Name Description
Twinkle Shield Battle start:
Enables Cover for 3 turns
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

Instant Forbearance

Name Description
Instant Forbearance Battle start:
Enables Forbearance for 3 turns
(Forbearance: Take attacks for all allies in area of effect and reduces damage taken by 40% for the user)

Units with this perk:

Guard Tactic Odd

Name Description
Guard Tactic Odd Action start on odd turns until turn 6:
Enables Cover for 2 turns
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

Guard Tactic Even

Name Description
Guard Tactic Even Action start on even turns until turn 6:
Enables Cover for 2 turns
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

Steadfast Attack

Name Description
Steadfast Attack When making a physical attack:
Enables Cover for 1 turn
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

Attack and Cover

Name Description
Attack and Cover When attacking:
Enables Cover for 1 turn
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

Ancient Contract*

Name Description
Ancient Contract*
When attacking:
Raises martial and breath potency for 3 turns, enables Cover for 1 turn
(Cover: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user)

Units with this perk:

The Dragon that Protects Upover

Name Description
The Dragon that Protects Upover Triggers Dragon's Shield when the user's HP drops to 50% or less, 1 time per battle
This perk can be triggered when the attack is from an ally
(Dragon's Shield: Take attacks for directly adjacent allies and reduces damage taken by 20% for the user for 2 turns)

Units with this perk: