Lv: | 130 |
HP: | 1021 |
MP: | 356 |
ATK: | 251 |
DEF: | 241 |
AGL: | 448 |
WIS: | 367 |
Move: | 2 |
Weight: | -- |
Weaknesses: | / | ||||
Resistances: | / | ||||
Immunities: |
Family: |
Note: All perks/abilities denoted with an * are using unofficial translations
Abilities | ||||||
Level | Type | Name | MP | Element | Range | Description |
1 | Right Hand's Pullback* 右手・連れ戻す |
28 | Straight Line |
Pulls all allies in area of effect up to 3 spaces closer (Times usable: 3) |
20 | Right Hand's Attraction* 右手・引き寄せる |
42 | Straight Line |
Deals moderate spell damage all enemies in area of effect, pulls them up to 3 spaces closer | ||
40 | Illusive Multiheal* 幻魔のベホマラー |
70 | 1-3 (incl. self) |
Heals a major amount of HP for all allies in area of effect |
Base Perks | ||
Level | Name | Description |
1 | Right Hand's Blessing* 右手の加護 |
Action start on odd turns until turn 10: Raises spell potency/recovery for ??? units in the surrounding rhombus (incl. self) for 3 turns (self: 4 turns) |
80, 90, 100, 110, 120, 130 | Illusive Multiheal* recovery +10% | Raises Illusive Multiheal* recovery by 10% |