War Goddess Togamihime

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Lv: 140
Weight: 50

Leader Perk:
Martial Potency/Recovery +10%

Weaknesses: /
Resistances: /
Level Type Name MP Element Range Description
1 Prayer Whistle 0
Restores 100 MP for 1 ally other than self
(Times usable: 3)
31 Life Whistle 76
1-3 (incl. self)
Heals a major amount of HP for all allies in area of effect, raises Self HP Healing Effects for 3 turns
50 War Goddess Whistle 51
1-2 (incl. self)
Raises martial and breath potency/recovery of all allies in area of effect for 3 turns
Base Perks
Level Name Description
1 Max HP +30 Raises max HP by 30
1 Max MP +15 Raises max MP by 15
1 Heavenly Raiment Battle start:
Raises AGL and Move for 3 turns
110, 120, 130, 140 Martial MP Cost -2% Lowers martial MP cost by 2%
Awakening Perks
Awakening Name Description
1 Soil's Judgement When any other ally makes a martial attack:
Attacks with Soil's Judgement if enemy is within 1 to 4-space range
(Soil's Judgement: Deals moderate martial damage (55 base potency) to 1 enemy, often lowers Martial Res for 3 turns)
2 Woosh Res +25 Raises Woosh resistance by 25
3 Wind's Judgement When any other ally makes a breath attack:
Attacks with Wind's Judgement if enemy is within 1 to 4-space range
(Wind's Judgement: Deals moderate breath damage (55 base potency) to 1 enemy, often lowers Breath Res for 3 turns)
3, 5 Martial MP Cost -5% Lowers martial MP cost by 5%
4 Zam Res +25 Raises Zam resistance by 25
5 Auto MP Regen (S) Action start:
Restores 4% of max MP
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Stats Up Raises HP, MP, ATK, DEF, WIS and AGL by 5%