Lv: | 140 |
HP: | |
MP: | |
ATK: | |
DEF: | |
AGL: | |
WIS: | |
Move: | |
Weight: | 50 |
Weaknesses: | / | ||||
Resistances: | / | ||||
Immunities: |
Family: | Role: | Element: |
Note: All perks/abilities denoted with an * are using unofficial translations
Abilities | ||||||
Level | Type | Name | MP | Element | Range | Description |
1 | Gear Shift | 24 | Self |
Raises the user's AGL and Move for 3 turns | ||
31 | Dual Burst | 66 | 1-3 |
Deals moderate Bang-type physical damage (180% potency) to 1 enemy 2 times | ||
52 | Dark Cross Break | 72 | 3 |
Deals moderate Zam-type physical damage (175% potency) to all enemies in purple area, deals moderate Zam-type physical damage (175% potency) to all enemies in orange area | ||
Murderous Genocide* キラージェノサイド |
100 | Fan (L) |
Deals major Zam-type physical damage (300% potency) to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally lowers DEF for 3 turns |
Base Perks | ||
Level | Name | Description |
1 | Max HP +30 | Raises max HP by 30 |
1 | ATK +15 | Raises max ATK by 15 |
1 | Instant Counter | Battle start: Grants a barrier that reflects physical attacks for 3 turns |
110, 120, 130, 140 | Dark Cross Break potency +2% | Raises Dark Cross Break potency by 2% |
Awakening Perks | ||
Awakening | Name | Description |
1 | Trauminate | Battle start: Greatly raises ATK and AGL for 3 turns |
2 | Sizz Res +25 | Raises Sizz resistance by 25 |
3 | Super Boost | Action start on odd turns until turn 5: Raises ATK for Inorganic units in the surrounding rhombus (incl. self) for 3 turns (self: 4 turns) |
3, 5 | Dark Cross Break potency +5% | Raises Dark Cross Break potency by 5% |
3, 5 | Murderous Genocide* potency +5% | Raises Murderous Genocide* potency by 5% |
4 | Zap Res +25 | Raises Zap resistance by 25 |
5 | Physical Critical Hit Rate +5% | Raises physical critical hit rate by 5% |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Stats Up | Raises HP, MP, ATK, DEF, WIS and AGL by 5% |
Talent Blossom | |
Name | Description |
Murderous Genocide* キラージェノサイド |
Deals major Zam-type physical damage (300% potency) to all enemies in area of effect, occasionally lowers DEF for 3 turns |
Indomitable Spirit | Before HP hits 0: Preserves HP at 1, 1 time per battle This perk can be triggered by poison, special effect spaces, ally attacks, and reflected attacks, as well as counterattacks, follow-ups, and other attacks or effects triggered by perks |
Sacrifice Option* 生贄オプション |
When enemy or any other ally is KO'd: For number of KO'd enemies or allies only, raises damage dealt and Martial Res for 2 turns (3 turns when KO attack is by character other than self) This perk can be triggered by an ally or user's attack on an ally |
(HP +50) x2 | Raises max HP by 50 |
(HP +25) x2 | Raises max HP by 25 |
(MP +15) x2 | Raises max MP by 15 |
ATK +15 | Raises max ATK by 15 |
DEF +25 | Raises max DEF by 25 |
AGL +15 | Raises max AGL by 15 |
WIS +15 | Raises max WIS by 15 |
(Zam-type Physical Potency +1.5%) x2 | Raises Zam-type physical potency by 1.5% |
(Zam-type Physical Brilliant +1.5%) x2 | Raises Zam-type physical brilliant by 1.5% |
Zam-type Physical MP Cost -10% | Lowers Zam-type physical MP cost by 10% |
(Bang-type Physical Potency +1.5%) x2 | Raises Bang-type physical potency by 1.5% |
(Bang-type Physical Brilliant +1.5%) x2 | Raises Bang-type physical brilliant by 1.5% |
Bang-type Physical MP Cost -10% | Lowers Bang-type physical MP cost by 10% |
All Damage Down 1% | Reduces all damage taken by 1% |
Frizz Res +5% | Raises Frizz Res by 5% |
Frizz-type Physical Res +5% | Raises Frizz-type Physical Res by 5% |
Frizz-type Martial Res +5% | Raises Frizz-type Martial Res by 5% |
Frizz-type Spell Res +5% | Raises Frizz-type Spell Res by 5% |
Frizz-type Breath Res +5% | Raises Frizz-type Breath Res by 5% |
Woosh Res +5% | Raises Woosh Res by 5% |
Woosh-type Physical Res +5% | Raises Woosh-type Physical Res by 5% |
Woosh-type Martial Res +5% | Raises Woosh-type Martial Res by 5% |
Woosh-type Spell Res +5% | Raises Woosh-type Spell Res by 5% |
Woosh-type Breath Res +5% | Raises Woosh-type Breath Res by 5% |
(Paralysis Res +5%) x2 | Raises Paralysis Res by 5% |
(Curse Res +5%) x2 | Raises Curse Res by 5% |
Physical Lock Res +5% | Raises Physical Lock Res by 5% |
Stun Res +5% | Raises Stun Res by 5% |