Lv: | 140 |
HP: | |
MP: | |
ATK: | |
DEF: | |
AGL: | |
WIS: | |
Move: | |
Weight: | 65 |
Weaknesses: | / | ||||
Resistances: | / | ||||
Immunities: |
Family: | Role: | Element: |
Note: All perks/abilities denoted with an * are using unofficial translations
Abilities | ||||||
Level | Type | Name | MP | Element | Range | Description |
1 | Blessed Magic Seal* 祝魔陣 |
34 | + (incl. self) |
Raises Tension of all allies in area of effect for 1 turn | ||
31 | Rigibalus Summoning* レイジバルス召喚 |
107 | 1 |
Summons Rigibalus (Times usable: 1) Note: If another party member has already activated an ability that summons units, then this ability will fail |
50 | Jet-Black Whirlwind* 漆黒の旋風 |
139 | Front |
Deals major unreflectable Zam-type spell damage to all enemies in area of effect, often lowers Zam Res for 3 turns | ||
80 | Light of Ruin* 破滅の冥光 |
125 | 1-3 |
Deals major spell damage to 1 enemy, ignores some Light Damage Res and cannot be negated by HP preserve effects |
Base Perks | ||
Level | Name | Description |
1 | Max HP +30 | Raises max HP by 30 |
1 | WIS +15 | Raises max WIS by 15 |
1 | Supreme Barrier* 至高の防壁 |
Battle start: Reduces damage taken by 20% for 1 turn, raises Physical Res for 3 turns Action start until turn 10: Reduces damage taken by 20% for all allies in the surrounding large rhombus (incl. self) for 3 turns (self: 4 turns) |
110, 120, 130, 140 | Jet-Black Whirlwind* potency +2% | Raises Jet-Black Whirlwind* potency by 2% |
110, 120, 130, 140 | Light of Ruin* potency +2% | Raises Light of Ruin* potency by 2% |
Awakening Perks | ||
Awakening | Name | Description |
1 | Dignified Archfiend* 魔王の威厳 |
Action start on odd turns until turn 10: Raises DEF, AGL, and spell potency/recovery for 3 turns, removes some status ailments |
2 | Zap Res +25 | Raises Zap resistance by 25 |
3 | Scion of Zexus* ゼクレスの王の血統 |
Heals 50% of max HP when the user's HP drops to 70% or less, 1 time per battle This perk can be triggered when the attack is from an ally |
3, 5 | Jet-Black Whirlwind* potency +5% | Raises Jet-Black Whirlwind* potency by 5% |
3, 5 | Light of Ruin* potency +5% | Raises Light of Ruin* potency by 5% |
4 | Bang Res +25 | Raises Bang resistance by 25 |
5 | Jet-Black Kazam Follow-Up* 漆黒のドルモーアの追撃 |
When any other ally attacks: Attacks with Jet-Black Kazam* if enemy is within 3-space range, up to 5 times per battle (Jet-Black Kazam*: Deals major unreflectable Zam-type spell damage to 1 enemy, heals the user's HP by 50% of damage dealt) |
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 | Stats Up | Raises HP, MP, ATK, DEF, WIS and AGL by 5% |