Morrie's Monstrous Pit!

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Type Name MP Element Range Description
Morrie's Monstrous Pit! 74
Deals major Frizz-type physical damage (250% potency) to 1 enemy in purple area and heals the user's HP by 20% of damage dealt, deals major Frizz-type physical damage (250% potency) to all enemies in orange area and heals the user's HP by 20% of damage dealt
Turns needed: 3 turns (Times usable: 2)
No. of Attacks Attack Range ATK Multiplier Damage Calc. Accuracy Secondary Effect Chance
1 2.5 [(User's ATK/2) - (Enemy's DEF/4)] x ATK Multiplier 100% -
No. of Attacks Attack Range ATK Multiplier Damage Calc. Accuracy Secondary Effect Chance
1 2.5 [(User's ATK/2) - (Enemy's DEF/4)] x ATK Multiplier 100% -

Units with this ability: